Home Program Support

Healing is a Lifelong Process

The Hope4Cancer Home Program

We understand that your healing journey doesn’t end when you leave our integrative cancer treatment centers in Mexico. Maintaining positive health momentum after you return home is just as important as the work you do inside our treatment centers — and it’s our mission to ensure you have the support you need to continue this progress.

That’s why we created the Hope4Cancer Home Program, providing you with 3 months of therapies to continue at home, 12 months of support, and 2 follow-up evaluations as an included part of your initial treatment protocol. This comprehensive system will guide you through the transition home and empower you to make the lifestyle changes necessary for continued improvements and quality of life. Created with the intention of longevity, the Hope4Cancer Home Program consists of four essential components:

  • Home Program Therapies
  • Home Program Support
  • Follow-up Evaluations
  • Long-Term Monitoring

Home Program Therapies

The first fundamental part of your Hope4Cancer Home Program involves a 3-month regimen of non-toxic therapies to allow you to continue your treatment after your initial 3-week protocol in Mexico. Before you leave our care, our team will familiarize you with all of your Home Program materials and conduct any necessary therapy demonstrations, ensuring you feel confident and prepared to continue the same alternative cancer treatments you received in Mexico from the comfort of your own home.

Home Program Support

Even with all the necessary medical supplies, we understand that transitioning to self-managed treatments can still feel like a big step. That’s why your Hope4Cancer Home Program also includes 12 months of phone and email support from our Home Program Support (HPS) Team – a team of experienced Hope4Cancer doctors, registered nurses, and support specialists dedicated solely to assisting our home-based patients. A member of your Home Program Support team will reach out within one week of your return home, and continue to conduct regular check-ins with you for the year following your in-person treatment. These check-ins allow us to monitor your long-term progress, answer any questions that may arise, and help ensure your home treatments are administered correctly.

Follow-Up Evaluations

In addition to the therapies and support you’ll receive at home, your Hope4Cancer Home Program includes two complimentary 3-day follow-up evaluations at our treatment centers in Mexico*. These visits include lab work, ultrasound assessments, and consultations with your Attending Physician. For patients eager to maximize their treatment advantages while in Mexico, we also offer the option for an enhanced follow-up visit at an additional cost. Enhanced visits include a full week of supportive therapies in addition to your complimentary evaluations. Whether you opt for the complimentary or enhanced follow-up, these strategically scheduled check-ins are key to evaluating your progress, reviewing any home test results, and adjusting your treatment protocols as necessary.

*Please note that all travel and accommodation costs associated with follow-up evaluations fall under the patient’s financial responsibility, as return visits are outpatient-based. However, our team will gladly assist you in coordinating accommodations with our partner hotels.

Long-Term Monitoring via SPROUT ConnectTM

The final element of your Hope4Cancer Home Program is our exclusive SPROUT Connect system – an innovative patient-reporting survey tool that works in between follow-up visits to continue tracking your symptoms and monitoring your quality of life over time. These periodic surveys enhance the communication between you and your Home Program Support team, enabling us to compare your data with your doctor’s assessments, so we can continue to provide the most efficient and beneficial support possible.

Patient quality of life surveys are an innovative approach to facilitate the transition from illness to health. Recognizing the importance of long-term monitoring to overcome the challenge of chronic diseases, similar survey tools are increasingly being adopted by some of the leading medical institutions in the world, such as the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital, and others.

To learn more about how we continue to support you after returning home, we invite you to watch the video below, featuring detailed insights about our Home Program from Hope4Cancer’s Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Antonio Jimenez; Patient Advocate, Tara Mann; and Home Program Support Specialist, Carlo Santiesteban.

*Disclaimer: The Hope4Cancer Home Program is NOT a replacement for emergency services. If you’re experiencing a critical health situation, please contact your local provider or hospital immediately.

Dr Tony High Fives A Patient

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