Pieter and Elestra’s Patient Journey

Connected by Chance, United by Hope

A country roughly the size of Maryland and nestled across the Atlantic becomes a common thread tying two strangers together on an unexpected journey toward healing. This is the story of Pieter and Elestra, who found not only friendship in an elevator at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers but also renewed strength and hope through their shared journey.

Pieter and Elestra talking during patient interview.

From Diagnosis to Discovery: Pieter’s Journey

In 2018, during a routine yearly checkup, Pieter was surprised to discover he had multiple tumors in his bladder. Though the tumors were non-muscle invasive and could be surgically removed, an aggressive prostate cancer diagnosis soon followed. His oncologist’s proposed treatment plan involved several complications and side effects that Pieter was not comfortable with. Thankfully, a friend suggested a different approach, introducing Pieter to Hope4Cancer’s integrative cancer treatments.

“Finding Hope4Cancer was like that moment when someone puts to words an intuition you’ve already felt,” Pieter shares. “My experience here has been amazing, and I don’t use that word lightly. The moment I walked in, I was greeted with a hug, a smile, and words of encouragement. Even though I’ve had great experiences with surgeons and modern medicine, I’ve certainly never been hugged when I walk in their lobby before.”

Journey Through Despair to Hope: Elestra’s Story

Elestra’s experience with cancer started under the familiar cloud of hopelessness often found in conventional treatment settings. In Netherlands’ conventional hospitals, Elestra explains, a metastasis diagnosis often means the extinguishment of hope and a focus on managing the disease rather than overcoming it. This approach felt not only isolating, but also damaging to her mental and physical health.

“In the hospital, I got the impression that nothing mattered anymore; not what I did nor my results,” Elestra recalls. “But at Hope4Cancer, you have hope at all times. You get a sense that you’re worth it to try everything possible to be able to live longer. Therefore you decide to live a healthy life, to give your body the support it needs, and to treat yourself with great care.”


An Unlikely Connection Becomes a Fateful Friendship  

On his second day at Hope4Cancer, Pieter recognized Elestra’s Dutch accent in an elevator. From there, a unique bond formed, rooted in the pair’s shared homeland and mirrored paths to wellness. But what Pieter thought was already an unlikely encounter turned out to be especially serendipitous. As the two began talking, Elestra shared how she felt very anxious before leaving the Netherlands, and had prayed for the presence of a fellow Dutch speaker at the clinic. Their unexpected friendship soon became an integral part of both of their healing journeys.

A testament to the power of community and connection, in our latest Patient Journey video above, both Pieter and Elestra share the details of their individual stories, what their experience at Hope4Cancer has given them, and how their friendship has helped them restore hope and strength along the journey to healing.

If you or someone you love has been struggling with a cancer diagnosis or given little to no hope for the future, we want you to know there are other options.  Reach out to our admissions department and schedule a free consultation today to learn how we can help.


In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:

The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who were treated at our Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should any website visitor assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other patient might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our services may experience. The people giving testimonials in our films, videos, websites, or print materials, have not been compensated for use of their experiences.

If you or a loved one have any specific questions regarding Hope4Cancer treatments for your individual situation please reach out to our admissions team here or call us at 1 (888) 544-5993 or for international calls +1 (619) 669-6511

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