Near Infrared Sauna Therapy

A Thermal Energy and Detoxification Therapy

Near Infrared Sauna Therapy

Unlike high temperature dry and steam heat saunas, our near infra-red light sauna stimulates the sweating process without discomfort or feelings of suffocation. Near infrared light creates a “fever” reaction in the body that has many benefits including:

1. Destabilization of cancer cells through a “hyperthermia” effect.
2. Reduction in pathogenic load by killing dangerous bacteria and viruses.
3. Excretion of chemical toxins, including heavy metals, such as cadmium, lead, zinc, nickel, and mercury.
4. Reduction in radioactive load that a patient may carry from prior radiotherapy treatments and imaging studies.
5. Enhanced pain relief and improved blood flow.
6. Stimulation of immune system.
7. As long as the patient takes precautions to be properly hydrated, there are no side effects.

Near Infra-Red Sauna Therapy is available only at our Tijuana treatment center and provided to most patients 3-4 times a week as part of their Hope4Cancer treatment program.

Dr Tony High Fives A Patient

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