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Detoxification from Heavy Metals

A significant healing issue that we often see in our patients when they arrive at Hope4Cancer is heavy metal toxicity. Excessive amounts of lead are often detected in screenings, along with aluminum, mercury, nickel and uranium to name a few. Heavy metals can be toxic to the body and contribute to the imbalance in a cancer patient’s immune system.

Many metals are used in the body as essential components of enzymes and other biological molecules. These metals are required in trace amounts, but when present in larger quantities, they can cause severe toxicity by impairing the immune system, impacting hormonal function and disturbing other important biological processes.

At Hope4Cancer, we know that detoxification from heavy metals can help your body heal itself naturally. The right treatments can get you on the road to recovery. High levels of lead are something we see often in our patient population, but it’s a substance that most of us think we aren’t exposed to on a daily basis.


Defining lead poisoning

Lead is a highly toxic metal. Exposure to lead can happen over many years, and when dangerous amounts of lead are present in the body, toxicity can occur. Lead is a carcinogen, and that’s why it is often detected alongside a wide variety of cancers.

Lead is found in a variety of substances, like lead-based paint in older homes and buildings. Other sources of lead exposure include household dust, pottery, some cosmetics and even toys.

Frequently, lead is found in drinking water. Unfortunately, unacceptable lead levels in our drinking water is not just a Flint, Michigan problem. This continues to be an issue in the United States.

How big is the problem?

A leading source of lead poisoning is our water systems. Of Americans, 18 million live in communities where the water systems are in violation of water contamination laws. Greater still, the agency in charge of making sure these systems are safe knows the issues exist but has done very little to stop them.

States are the first line of enforcement, but when they fail (as they recently did in Flint, Michigan), the Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to step in. But in cases across the United States, the agency has not. More than 5,300 American water systems are in violation of the EPA’s lead regulations. These violations range from failure to properly test water for lead to failure to treat water properly to halt lead contamination.

Lead can also be introduced into tap water supplies from old lead pipes. In the case of Flint, MI, corrosive agents were not filtered from the water supply and then leached lead from the pipes that supplied the affected homes. According to a recent USA Today investigation, an estimated 7.3 million homes are connected to their utility’s water mains by individual lead service lines, which are the pipes carrying water from the main under the street onto the property and into the home. If the home was built before 1930, there is a greater risk of lead in the pipes that supply drinking water.

Are you at risk?

Lead bio-accumulates in the body, so it builds up over time. Ongoing exposure, even at low levels, can become toxic. This is why it is important to assess whether your lead levels are outside the reference levels and considered high.

Start at home. Contact your municipal water supplier and request a copy of the Consumer Confidence Report. If you see a lead reading at or above 15 parts per billion, take action. If your home was built before 1978, there is a good chance it has lead-based paint. Deteriorating lead-based paint — look for peeling, chipping, cracking or damaged paint — is dangerous and needs immediate attention. Lead exposure can also occur in the workplace. If you work among chemicals, in a warehouse or in a factory setting, your risk of lead exposure is increased.

How we treat lead exposure at Hope4Cancer

We employ a variety of detoxification methods, including coffee enemas, near-infrared light therapy, biological dentistry and juicing. For those with high levels of lead specifically, Hope4Cancer patients receive chelating agents. Chelation means “to bind” or “to grab. ”Chelating agents bind to heavy metal toxin ions, and then the body removes through our regular excretory channels.

Cilantro, used in conjunction with chlorella, is a proven treatment for high lead levels and, at Hope4Cancer, we have seen many patients improve once the heavy metal toxicity is reduced in their bodies. Clinical studies completed recently proved that heavy metal chelation with cilantro and chlorella can naturally remove an average of 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum from the body within 42 days. Cilantro naturally mobilizes heavy metals and chlorella is an intestinal absorbing agent, which means the retoxification of the system is prohibited.
Detoxification is a key pillar in our treatment philosophy at Hope4Cancer. Removing harmful metals from the body is key in enhancing your recovery. Our team is here to help. Contact Hope4Cancer today and take the first step in healing.

4 thoughts on “Detoxification from Heavy Metals

  1. Hi

    This is Lucero Mejia

    My husband has prostate cancer and I found your site and I have been navigating it for many days. I want to have an idea of the cost of the treatment, I will go with him for the entire 3 weeks. Can you please give me an idea of costs?

    Thank you very much.


    1. Hello Lucero and thank you for looking around our website. We are not able to give medical advice directly through our website, but please contact our admissions office at 888-544-5993 or go to and fill out the form and one of our admissions officers can get you a consultation with our doctor.

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