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Healing Cancer From the Inside Out: Green Juicing

Study after study show that a high intake of fresh fruit and vegetables can lower the incidence of chronic conditions like cancer. Additionally, the more colorful and natural your diet (especially nutrient and antioxidant-rich produce), the healthier and more youthful you feel. One great way to increase your daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is through juicing.

Freshly made juices are concentrated nutritional elixirs that heal and rejuvenate the body and help bring balance to all the body’s cells. Juicing is also one of the easiest, most efficient, and most delicious ways to ensure that you are meeting your daily intake of fresh produce.

The Benefits of Juicing

  • Juice provides an abundance of water.
  • The body can quickly absorb larger amounts of nutrients from juices than from solid foods because the digestive process necessary when you eat whole foods is bypassed. This is especially helpful during periods of healing.
  • Vegetable juices are an excellent source of a high concentration of important vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of antioxidants and phytonutrients (substances that protect the body’s cells from disease, injury, and pollution).

Selecting a Juicer

  • Twin Gear Juicer: This type of juicer uses stainless steel twin gears to squeeze and press fruits and vegetables. The slow speed of the gears does not create excess heat or free radicals in juice, therefore preserving the most nutrients. It juices all fruits and vegetables, including wheatgrass and leafy greens, makes pasta/noodles, nut butters, and frozen fruit desserts. This is our preferred juicer because of the high nutrient value and high yield. Juice may be stored for up to 3 days! Example: Greenstar® Original Basic Twin Gear Slow Masticating Juicer
  • Single Gear Juicer – This juicer crushes and presses, creating no heat, and extracts juice from fruits, vegetables, wheatgrass, and other leafy greens. It also makes pasta/noodles, grinds herbs and seasonings, purees baby food, minces meats, grinds coffee, and makes desserts from frozen fruit. The low speed helps to make a juice that maintains essential nutrients. It’s easy to use and clean. Example: Samson Super Juicer

There are other juicers on the market that will be fine for making juice. The above two are Hope4Cancer’s top choices. The most important thing is simply that you begin incorporating fresh green juices into your daily diet.

A Great Starter Recipe

Mild Green Juice

Juice ingredients in the following order. Enjoy!

3 cups spinach or romaine lettuce

2 cucumbers

1 celery stalk

½ lime

1” piece ginger

½ green apple

Need some more juicing recipes? Look no further than Kris Carr’s new Crazy Sexy Juice book. It debuts on October 20th and will be a great addition to your juicing regimen.

What’s your favorite juice recipe? Tweet us @Hope4CancerMex, and we may include it in the blog!

7 thoughts on “Healing Cancer From the Inside Out: Green Juicing

  1. Hi Mirella, Thank you for the question! Whether you choose the Nutribullet or a juicer really depends on your goal. Let us classify the two as follows: juicing has therapeutic and nutritional value, while a nutrition extractor like Nutribullet has nutritional value.
    Let me explain what I mean.

    If your goal is to consume whole foods, including the pulp/fiber content, in a concentrated mix, then a nutrition extractor should be your choice. We should all be eating plenty of fiber from plants and vegetables, and this is a really good and delicious way to do it. Adding smoothies and shakes using a nutribullet as meal alternatives or complements in your regular everyday meal habits is a wonderful idea.

    Juicing, on the other hand, leaves all the pulp and fiber out and focuses on delivering only the juice. Many experts vouch for the claim that juicers are able to break down plant cell walls to release nutritional content (including enzymes and nucleic acids) from within the plant cells. While this could be nutritionally beneficial for anybody, therapeutically this is especially important for patients facing chronic diseases with compromised ability to digest or absorb nutrients effectively. Juicing provides a concentrated and easy way to assimilate nutrition that would otherwise be impossible to accomplish. Because of its high and pure nutritional content, juicing can be used as a detox fasting routine that allows the body to effectively shed toxins. If you choose juicing as your option, you must choose your juicer very carefully, because it is very easy to break down the released cellular nutrients if the machine overheats in the process of juicing, which takes away from the effectiveness of the process.

    So the scenarios of using both are quite different – i hope the above description helps you decide what is best for you.

  2. I a 2.5 cm clear Renal Cell Carcinoma. It’s doubled in past three years.
    What treatments do you offer for this.
    Thank you,
    Nic Gallo

    1. Hello Nic.

      One of our almost 35 different therapies, Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT) is a very effective therapy. At Hope4Cancer, in conjunction with our other therapies, we usually see a 20 – 35% reduction in tumor size within the first eight to 10 days of treatment. And after 15 months of SPDT, we may see a 70 – 85% reduction in blood flow to tumor areas. You can read more about Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy and other therapies we offer at

  3. I was diagnosed with first stage breast cancer (lobular) in July, ’19, with a lumpectomy in August, followed by two excisions. There were no lymph nodes involved. A followup drug, Letrozole, 2.5 mg daily, was prescribed, which I have taken for 30 days. Do you have alternative natural remedies that would be more helpful, without the side effects of the Letrozole (osteoporosis, depression, etc.)?
    I would be so interested in hearing from you.

    1. Hello Irene,

      We are not able to give medical advice directly through our website or social media platforms, but please contact our admissions office at 888-544-5993 or go to and fill out the form and one of our admissions officers can get you a consultation with our doctor.

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