After discovering a lump in her breast in early 2021, Ruby’s life quickly became a whirlwind of rushed recommendations and impersonal interactions in the conventional medical world. Learn how she found peace and healing again at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers…
Rushing through the Whirlwind
When Ruby was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2021, she immediately felt her entire world speed up. Just a handful of weeks and several tests later, she found herself sitting in an oncologist’s office, where she was handed a routine regimen of chemotherapy and radiation very matter-of-factly. Armed with over 40 years of experience in clinical science and hematology, Ruby was already wary of the effects conventional medicine would have on a compromised body and knew she wanted to support her immune system through naturopathic treatments, but was offered no such options from her provider. In fact, after voicing her concerns, her oncologist informed Ruby that she’d be required to sign a contract stating she would not receive any other treatments if they worked together. It was this final straw that made Ruby and her husband decide it was time to stop the whirlwind.
“Everything moved very quickly; there was no time to think or process. Finally, my husband and I sat down and prayed — because we didn’t know what else to do, but we knew [conventional medicine] wasn’t the route for us.”
A Divine Sign
The very same night Ruby and her husband set their intention to slow down, they turned on YouTube and discovered Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. Immediately, they felt they had received a divine sign, and began diving into research. By March of 2021, Ruby had made her way to Hope4Cancer Cancun, where she was finally able to find peace in pursuing the treatment program that best aligned with her values.
In our latest Patient Journey video below, Ruby sits down with Dr. Tony to discuss her inspiring breast cancer survivor story and the advice she has for patients facing similar challenges.
If you or someone you love has been struggling with a cancer diagnosis or given little to no hope for the future, we want you to know there are other options. Reach out to our admissions department and schedule a free consultation today to learn how we can help.
Hope4Cancer Testimonials
In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:
The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who were treated at our Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should any website visitor assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other patient might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our services may experience. The people giving testimonials in our films, videos, websites, or print materials, have not been compensated for use of their experiences.
If you or a loved one have any specific questions regarding Hope4Cancer treatments for your individual situation please reach out to our admissions team here or call us at 1 (888) 544-5993 or for international calls +1 (619) 669-6511