Maria’s Uterine Cancer Patient Journey

Learn more about Maria's story in her video below

In September of 2020, Maria and her husband, Dexter, received the shocking news of a stage 4 uterine cancer diagnosis. One surgery and several rounds of chemotherapy later, Maria’s cancer was only continuing to spread, and Maria’s conventional doctor could provide no other treatment options or hope. Thankfully, some research and determination soon led her to Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers.

Maria and Dexter smiling at each other during interview

From “Fight or Flight”…

When Maria first learned of her stage 4 uterine cancer diagnosis in late 2020, she was not yet aware that any natural or alternative cancer treatment options existed. At her oncologist’s urgent recommendation, she began chemotherapy right away. However, two rounds later, Maria’s quality of life had deteriorated drastically while her cancer continued to thrive and spread. By the third round of chemotherapy, Maria’s doctor could only offer the same strategy with a different chemo drug, and advised her it would likely only give her a few more months to live. Feeling like she had been ushered into harsh treatments that were operating predominantly by trial and error, Maria decided enough was enough — there had to be a better way.

“After the diagnosis, I was just stuck in fight or flight mode… I felt like I had to do something right away [and] all I knew was what the doctors were telling me. I was depressed, and it seemed like there was no hope. The only options I was given weren’t working.”


…To Educated and Empowered

With the help of her husband, Dexter, Maria began to research alternative options for cancer treatment and soon learned of Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. Realizing she had been suffering from depression due to her conventional treatments’ side effects and their failure to improve her situation, Maria knew she needed a treatment program that addressed the emotional and spiritual side of cancer as well as the physical. Armed with new knowledge of their options and feeling hope reinstated by Hope4Cancer’s whole-body approach, the couple immediately made their way to Mexico. Now two weeks into the healing journey, Maria and Dexter sit down with our team to share all the details of their cancer treatment experience.

“Coming here and being able to see all these other treatment options and actually experience them working has really given me a new hope… I feel like I can actually heal from this now.”

If you or someone you love has been struggling with a cancer diagnosis or given little to no hope for the future, we want you to know there are other options. Reach out to our admissions department and schedule a free consultation today to learn how we can help.


In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:

The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who were treated at our Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should any website visitor assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other patient might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our services may experience. The people giving testimonials in our films, videos, websites, or print materials, have not been compensated for use of their experiences.

If you or a loved one have any specific questions regarding Hope4Cancer treatments for your individual situation please reach out to our admissions team here or call us at 1 (888) 544-5993 or for international calls +1 (619) 669-6511

Dr Tony High Fives A Patient

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