Joelle’s Breast Cancer Survivor Story

Follow Joelle’s breast cancer journey below.


After being diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2017, Joelle felt certain that chemotherapy and mastectomy would not be her path. Opting instead for a lumpectomy and a few weeks of radiation, she was officially given the “all clear”… until a foreboding feeling returned just two years later.

Going with Her Gut

As Joelle noticed her lumpectomy hole getting bigger and bigger, she turned to her doctors for advice. Despite several ultrasounds and mammograms revealing nothing, Joelle’s gut instinct encouraged her to continue investigating. Finally, a telltale scan unveiled the growth as a cyst, and in an annual visit with her surgeon, Joelle insisted upon getting it tested. Unfortunately, though her doctors still reassured her they were “95% certain it was nothing”, Joelle’s intuition proved right — and she was automatically declared stage 3.

Searching for Signs & Surrendering Trust

Facing cancer for the second time around, Joelle recalls feeling even more pressure and push to pursue traditional treatment. Still confident that chemotherapy and mastectomy were not the answer, she began researching her options and reaching out to alternative clinics.

“Finally, I just went into my room where I prayed and said, ‘God, I’m going to give you all of my problems. I’m giving all of this illness to you and you just show me where to go. I’m going to trust you with all of this.’ And about twenty minutes later, I got a call from Hope4Cancer… it definitely felt like a sign.”

After some consideration and research, Joelle’s intuition and faith both pointed her to Hope4Cancer Cancun, where she was able to receive the customized treatment plan that felt right for her. To hear the rest of Joelle’s inspiring transformation, be sure to watch her entire breast cancer survivor story in the testimony below.

If you or someone you love has been struggling with a cancer diagnosis or is feeling pressured to pursue treatment that doesn’t resonate with you, we want you to know there are other options. Reach out to our admissions department by clicking here now to learn more about how we can help.

Hope4Cancer Testimonials

In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:

The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who were treated at our Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should any website visitor assume, that any individual experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other patient might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our services may experience. The people giving testimonials in our films, videos, websites, or print materials, have not been compensated for use of their experiences.

Dr Tony High Fives A Patient

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