
Discover Her Hope

In 2010, my Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. Before he and my mom even told the family, they had already decided they were treating it the conventional route. We all saw what he had to go through – the chemotherapy, the  radiation. We saw what it did to his body, and three years later, we saw him develop leukemia as a result. Cancer didn’t  kill him. An upper respiratory infection caused from the chemo killed him. It devastated me, and it motivated me to start researching other options. I knew we couldn’t go back in time to change anything, but maybe it would be useful knowledge in the future. So long before I even knew I had cancer, my mind was already set on alternative treatments.

I had been living a healthy lifestyle for several years when I discovered a lump in my breast. It was April of 2017, and the lump grew very rapidly, almost aggressively. I decided pretty quickly that I needed to go get a thermogram, which came back reporting 85% malignancy. Immediately, I went into panic mode. I didn’t know what to do; I started sending screenshots of the report to my sister, who is a cancer coach, and she advised me to see a specialist for more tests right away. Well, of course the specialist suggested a mammogram, but I absolutely didn’t want one. I didn’t want the radiation exposure. I told him I would do an ultrasound, which he eventually agreed to.

The first words my doctor said to me after the ultrasound were, “Get it out.” It made me very nervous. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that something bad was guaranteed to happen if I didn’t do what the doctors wanted, and I knew I did not want surgery. I wanted to feel healthy, I wanted to heal my body. I didn’t want to feel sick or lose my hair or drop a bunch of weight.

At this point, I felt I was at a crossroads.

I went with my sister to a conference she attends in Michigan where a bunch of doctors come in and speak. It was there that I found out about Hope for Cancer Treatment Centers.

When I first arrived at the center, I was very tired, and scared. I had been experiencing loss of appetite, but as I went through the treatments, I could feel myself gaining more energy. I left at the end of April feeling great, with just as wonderful test results. In just three weeks, my blood flow to the tumor dropped from 70% to 40%. But the most powerful part of my experience there was definitely BEST Healing program. I didn’t realize I had buried so much emotional trauma from my Dad’s passing, and BEST healing helped me release the pain that was probably contributing to my cancer all along.

I know that I’m on the right path now, and I’m extremely happy that I went with my gut feeling on how to approach treatment. My family was supportive, but I did have friends who didn’t agree with my decision to go alternative. It’s something that you just have to try to ignore at the time, because you don’t want negativity to impact how you feel. Their perspective did eventually change when they could see how much better I looked and felt after the center. They asked me a lot of questions, and began to understand how things worked a little more.

I’m very confident in the path I’ve chosen, and just knowing that I made the decision that was right for me gives me hope for my future.

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