Vibrational Therapy

An Anti-Inflammatory, Detoxification, Exercise Therapy

Vibrational Therapy


We all know that exercise is beneficial for health – in fact, it is among the most important recommendations for the treatment of most chronic diseases. Most of us are prone to avoid exercise, or not do it with the intensity and variety to impact all our muscle groups. Especially for patients who are at an advanced state of chronic disease, cancer included, there can be serious physical limitations to performing vigorous, or maybe even simple, low-impact exercises. Vibrational therapy involves standing on a vibrating plate that gets the muscles working, without the effort of exercise.

In addition to its use as an exercise substitute or supplement, vibrational therapy has many other benefits, including:

  • Improved muscle strength
  • Improved endocrine function
  • Decreased stress hormones
  • Improved body mass index (BMI)
  • Increased bone mass
  • Improved flexibility
  • Better balance
Dr Tony High Fives A Patient

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