Enzyme Therapy

A Metabolic Therapy

Enzyme Therapy


Metabolism is the constant energy-generating process that sustains life. Slowing down of metabolic processes are responsible for the onset of many chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Enzymes are the key mediators in metabolism that act at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. Imbalances in enzyme production can, as a result, have a profound impact on the trajectory of a disease like cancer.

According to enzyme therapy pioneer, Dr. Edward Howell, “Life ends when the worn-out metabolic enzyme activity of the body machine drops to such a low point that it is unable to carry on vital enzyme reactions. This is the true trademark of old age.” By postponing the process of metabolic aging, it is possible to prolong life and combat the onset of chronic disease.

Enzymes can have the following positive benefits against cancer:

1. Proteolytic enzymes are needed to breakdown cancer cells; an increased supply of enzymes can tilt the ratio from a cancer-thriving to a cancer-destructive environment.

2. The immune system uses enzymes to detect cancer cells – improving the body’s ability to produce enzymes helps improve our internal defenses.

3. Enzymes can help fight inflammation and improve healing mechanisms.

In a disease-fatigued body, enzyme production can plummet because it takes energy and a healthy metabolism to create them. Multiple chemotherapy and radiation therapy experience impairs the body’s ability to produce enzymes. That is why enzymatic therapy can be viewed as an essential component in a whole-body cancer therapeutic program.

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